Week Three — Whee!


So next weekend is Ad Astra and me and a buddy from our writing group are heading down straight away Friday after work and then zoom-zoom-zoom, three days of writerly, literary, SF/F goodness awaits us. No dallying on the Sunday, though, as I have to be back in time for Cat Rambo’s second class in her Editing 101 series.

Which means I have to do my homework this weekend on top of everything else. (Which is cool — course is neat so far.)

Last weekend was not bad: got a chance to read a story from a VPer who needed a quick crit, started what might be a flash piece but has likely been done to death a million times before, continued to noodle on a bunch of half-formed projects and took a look over March in general — how I did, how it felt, how I can do it better. The WIP wasn’t entirely unloved, but I waffled on whether or not I should expand or contract certain bits and in the end decided it was time to start getting these scenes into chapters. I’ve picked a rough target for word count for each chapter, which is going to help guide some of my edits.

Should I make the end of April my go to for a Beta-eyeball ready draft? I think I just might.

Also, nearly finished with THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO SCIENCE FICTION (James/Mendlesohn). My reading, in general, has fallen by the wayside these last weeks. Going to switch around a few habits to see if that helps.

And TIRED. This 5:00 am alarm is getting tougher.

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